Tuesday, April 16, 2013

025. It's been a good day when...

(I found this and edited it to our family!)

 1. When the school calls to tell you something actually went very well!
2. When a teacher gives you your child without a negative comment at the end of the day. 
3. School doesn't call you to come get him....again!
4. When there has been no meltdowns.
5. Nothing gets broken and there are no new holes in your walls. We've repaired so many.
6. When at the end of the day he tells me he loves me. 
7. When a parent of a neuro-typical child says something positive instead of negative to or about your child. 
8. You don't cry yourself to sleep... or need a drink by the time 8:00 comes around.
 9. When I get to go to the bathroom by myself!! 
10. The house is mostly clean except for the living room...there has to be a floor under all these toys right?? Something has to be holding them up! LOL 
11. At the end of the day you are able to get in bed before midnight and realize it was a meltdown free day 
12. I don't say, "Get that out of your mouth." 
13. When he doesn't throw something at you. 
14. When the dog hasn't been eaten/tortured! 
15. When you don’t have a headache. 
16. All the furniture is still intact. 
17. When I can actually take a shower.
 18. The house is not flooded, nobody is in the hospital, the contents of the fridge are IN the fridge and the laundry pile is just as high as it was in the morning!! Yess!!! 
19. You have a day when your autistic child was actually better behaved than everyone else's non autistic kids. 
20. When you can figure out what they want on the first try :) now that's a good day :) 
21. When I can get 5 mins to myself. 
22. When the neighbors don’t think your killing your kid and CPS or the police don’t turn up from his shrill screams. 
23. When I've got time to be on Facebook to even see this post. 
24. The couch is still in the upright position and the TV isn't on the floor. 
25. The poop AND pee was in the toilet. 
26. When the kid will actually put on clothes and keep them on for a while. 
27. There is no poop on or in any object where it does not belong... 
28. He hasn't kicked the dog. 
29. When you get to watch a whole video (even if it’s not your video) instead of bits and pieces over and over and over.
30. Food is in his stomach. 
31. When I don’t have to say my sons name 800 times in a day... 
32. There are no drawings on the wall. 
33. When he's actually nice to his siblings. 
34. I can talk on the phone for 5 minutes without him asking to vacuum. 
35. I have time to finish this sentence. 
36. I get more than two hours sleep!

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